Configuring Wi-Fi in piSignage Player - even more easy now

Previously WiFi was configured in piSignage player using these 2 methods. Though easy enough, they required either player being connected to the network via ethernet or a Keyboard to configure player directly.

Wifi setup in piPlayer

Now Configuring Wi-Fi in piSignage is even more easier with piSignage player working as a Wireless Access point. Below are the detailed instructions.

  1. Power on the piSignage player.
  2. Now connect to the wifi access point named pi-player_xxxx where xxxx represents the last 4 digits of the piSignage player (refer screenshots below). The password is "piplayer".
  3. Once you are connected to the player go to the browser and type , which loads the player interface. ( Note The adress has been changed to for the releases after 1.9.7c. For the older images no change). Enter pi for both username and password.
  4. Go to settings, Scroll down to Wi-Fi settings and Enter the details of the Wi-Fi network, to be connected to and save.
  5. Once done, the player reboots and Wi-Fi configuration is done.

IMPORTANT NOTE : Make sure to enter the accurate details regarding the Wi-Fi, as once the details are saved , The wireless access functionality of the piSignage player is deactivated. For any further changes in Wi-Fi, you can only use these 2 methods.